Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Delta Force: Improving the Product Development Process

Inside Ultradent, a new team has been working on continuing to improve our new product development process. Ultradent already had a good process in place that withstands regulatory audits from national and international bodies, but upper management wants to ensure that we continue to develop quality products that are delivered to our market in a timely way and that function the way we intend them to, fulfilling market needs.

Chart: Cross-functional Project Team Model

The new way of thinking is being developed by a cross-functional team called Delta Force. The proposed organization is shown in the chart below. Our existing organization is represented by the vertical columns. The functional vice presidents are represented by the different shapes at the top of each rectangle, or functional area (marketing, operations, QC, QA, etc.). Within that area, managers and other team members report to the vice president. However, in order to bring new products to market, these different functions need to work smoothly and efficiently together, so that all parts of a new development process are addressed by the experts on the Ultradent team.

The project team leaders, or core team leaders (represented by the shapes at the far left) lead the cross-functional teams to develop new products. We’ve always had these leaders, but the new element is the project controller, who coaches the core team leaders and ensures smooth communication across functional areas. This is the person who will help ensure ALL projects are resourced, and who will help management to understand where resources are going at any given time on new and maintenance projects.

Tools are being developed and put into use by the Delta Force team to create this more robust product development process, and to strengthen the cross-departmental communication and working relationships. These tools and processes will ensure that Ultradent continues to develop robust, high-quality products that meet all of our customers’ requirements.

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